Tactical Group

Heat injury remains the number one cause of accidental, preventable death in working dogs yet there is still so little we know about prevention and treatment of this deadly condition. What we DO know is that body temperature alone is not a good predictor of impending heat injury in dogs. VTG is collaborating on ground-breaking research on recognition of early signs of thermal stress, field cooling methods, effects of conditioning on thermoregulation, and many other areas that canine handlers can directly apply to that prevent heat injury and keep their dogs working safely in hot environments, but we need your help!
Read about some of our accomplishments HERE
We are requesting assistance from the working dog community and dog lovers everywhere in raising funds to help fund this research. VTG is a member of the Working Dog Research Consortium, collaborating on research with universities and fellow researchers as subject matter experts in specific fields of working dog physiology, performance and sports medicine, and occupational health of working dogs, but we are primarily self-funded in this effort!
Be part of the solution! Donate today to help working dogs through this study. Any amount is welcome!